Here are the coolest Easter Eggs that can be found in video games! From previously unknown one punch knockouts in Mike Tyson’s Punchout to some hilarious scenes in GTA, find out the most interesting and coolest things you didn’t know!
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Here are the coolest easter eggs in Gaming!
7 – Gears Of War 3: Beard Mode
Gears of War 3 features MEN. MANLY MEN. WITH MANLY BEARDS. Or at least they should be. In fact, despite the INCREDIBLE MANLINESS on display, there isn’t much facial hair to be seen. But fortunately, Gearbox Studios included a method to fix this terrible oversight. By sticking close to Dom during the prologue, the player can trigger a special event in which, for the remainder of the game, EVERYONE will have a Dom beard.
Fenix has a MANLY Dom beard. Jayson has a MANLY Dom beard. Even Anya has a manly Dom beard! And if we’re entirely honest, it really does bring out her eyes.
This is a good start… But they didn’t stop there. Oh no. In the multiplayer map Clocktower, there are four statues of men with books. Shoot the books, and their stony visages will briefly erupt into fire and forever be gifted with magnificent stony beards… At least until the end of the round. Oh, and if you get all four, THE SUN ITSELF will grow a beard in honour of your incredible achievement.
There’s probably something to be said about the potential lesson that Gearbox are attempting to impart, which can be interpreted as ‘destroy books and you’ll become manly’… But it’s very, very difficult to argue with with the results.
Now that’s MANLY global warming.
6 – Mortal Kombat: Free Arcade Options
From manly to miserly now: Did you know that the Mortal Kombat arcade machines could be played for free?
No, neither did we. But apparently it was always an option thanks to the inclusion of a hidden diagnostics mode that has come to be known as the Ed Boon Menus, after the creator of the game. Locked behind a fingertip-crushing button combo that requires pinpoint timing and accuracy, this menu allows sneaky players to mess around with things like coin counters, enter their initials onto the high-score board and to see all the endings to the game’s story-mode.
These menus existed in every version of the Mortal Kombat arcade machines, from the original Mortal Kombat, all the way up to Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3… If only we’d known about them sooner. There’s a chance that we might have even managed to hold onto some of our pocket money. Ahhhhh…..what could have been!
5 – Grand Theft Auto V – Thelma and Louise
The GTA series has always had it’s fair share of playful moments and hidden secrets. The gigantic and grotesque ‘heart of the city’ easter egg from Grand Theft Auto 4 springs to memory almost immediately. For a series that has mixed the gritty effects of street crime and low-level drug deals with UFOs, jetpacks, and monster trucks, there really shouldn’t be much left that could surprise gamers. But should the player choose to approach a certain cliff-face in the Chilliad region at between 7 and 8 at night, they’ll find themselves greeted by a whole lot of armed (And presumably rather upset) police officers with weapons locked and loaded.
The cause for this disturbance is a dusty old convertible containing precisely two women, two guitars and a relatively large mexican sombrero in the backseat. Sound familiar? These characters and their car are a fairly obvious shoutout to the 1991 film ‘Thelma and Louise’. Or more specifically, the ending to that particular film.
Should the player not interfere, the convertible will begin rolling closer and closer to the edge of the cliff, until it flies off the Chilliad rock face and tumbles into the valley below, exploding on the sharp desert boulders. A sad end to a sad story, perhaps, but don’t get down.