The Incredibles 3 today! Beyond The Trailer’s reaction & breakdown! No release date yet from Disney Pixar! Story! Edna Mode & Jack Jack!
The Incredibles 3 today! Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph’s reaction & breakdown of her ideas for The Incredibles 3 after seeing the sequel, The Incredibles 2! No release date from Disney Pixar yet, but here are some ideas on story, plot and characters for Brad Bird when it comes to Mr Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, Jack Jack, Edna Mode, Frozone and of course Frozone’s wife! And how about the villain? Share your own reaction to these ideas for The Incredibles 3 while you wait for a release date and trailer! And be sure to make Beyond The Trailer your first stop for movie and entertainment news here on YouTube today!
Interact with host & creator Grace Randolph!