OnePlus Z is the talk of the town because everyone is excited about the upcoming “affordable” smartphone from OnePlus. In this video Gadgets 360’s Pranay Parab talks about what to expect from OnePlus Z. We have a roundup of the latest OnePlus Z leaks, what the launch date of the OnePlus Z could be, what to expect in terms of the OnePlus Z price, and everything else you need to know about this smartphone. Remember that this is all information based on OnePlus Z leaks, so take it with a pinch of salt. Let us know what you want to see from the OnePlus Z via the comments.
0:00 Introduction
1:22 OnePlus Z price (rumoured)
2:32 OnePlus Z specs (rumoured)
3:12 OnePlus Z variants (rumoured)
3:30 OnePlus Z name
4:22 OnePlus Z launch date (rumoured)
6:21 OnePlus Z camera specs (rumoured)
7:31 Budget products from OnePlus
OnePlus Z specs:
OnePlus Z launch date, price, and latest leaks:
Anchor: Pranay Parab (
Video Editor: Yousuf Jawed (
#OnePlus #OnePlusZ
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