A multitude of new laws are set to be implemented across the United States, with many of the rule changes directly caused by the turbulent year which was 2020.
One of the biggest events of the year was the death of George Floyd in police custody, which sparked outrage around the globe and led to calls for police reform.
As result, US states including California, Delaware, Iowa, New York, Oregon and Utah all passed bans on police choke holds.
Meanwhile Georgia has introduced two new anti-bias laws, one imposes more penalties for hate crimes, while the other protects police from bias motivated acts of violence.
Some coronavirus related laws have now come into effect, with some offering to help essential workers and bolster unemployment benefits.
Alabama passed a resolution to encourage fist bumps over handshakes in a bid to stem the spread.
The bulk of legislation in 2021 will focus on pandemic response, spanning across a range of issues such as education and emergency powers.