Chhaupadi: Living in Exile – Women in Nepal | Community Documentary by Hemant Bhattarai
The tradition of chhaupadi in the country is based in the belief that a woman is impure and brings evil spirits into the home during her period which in practice has meant they are supposed to stay in small huts or cow sheds during their menstruation cycle.
Menstruating women are also restricted from participating in family, religious or social functions, such as attending the temple or going to weddings, and girls are prevented from going to school. Chhaupadi are extremely dehumanizing and psychologically stressful, with young girls told that they will bring bad luck on their families if they enter their own homes during menstruation.
Young girls & women who are menstruating are barred from consuming milk, yogurt, butter, meat, and other nutritious foods, for fear that their impurity will cause cows to become ill. The typical diet during menstruation includes dry foods, salt, and rice. Menstruating women are also barred from using community water sources or performing daily functions like bathing or washing clothing.
The practice of Chhaupadi is not limited to times of menstruation but also to the time of childbirth whereby delivery must take place in the unhygienic shed. Women and their fragile newborns are compelled to stay in exile for 7 – 10 days post-delivery.
This has been outlawed Supreme Court of Nepal in 2005 & in 2017, Nepal again passed a new law punishing people who force women into exile during menstruating with up to three months in jail or a fine of 3,000 Nepalese rupees.
The story tells about the discrimination and taboos women & adolescence girls have to face during their period.Women and young girls are forced to leave their homes and stay in mud huts or cow sheds popularly known as Chhaupadi.
As, a result every year women with their newborn babies & adolescent girl dying
of smoke inhalation, snake bites, and unsanitary conditions while following such unhuman practices.
Other documentaries on Nepal:
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Most Dangerous Ways to School – Nepal:
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