Sky News host Andrew Bolt says there is a “price to pay” for obsessively criticising Australia, exaggerating its sins, and painting it as “falsely racist to the core”.
“This is getting insane, and it is getting dangerous,” Mr Bolt said.
“On the weekend I read a few newspapers, watched a couple of shows, and I could not believe how often Australians were accused of being racists.
“How casually our society and history was dismissed as racist. How lazily and stupidly and destructively that smear was just thrown around.”
Mr Bolt acknowledged “there are racists” in Australia and racism should be “called out”, but there is a “price to pay” for the obsessive criticism.
He said Australia loses the “moral standing” to criticise evils and demand action elsewhere if “we trash ourselves like this”.
“What these people trashing Australia don’t seem to understand is that we really are still a beacon of freedom in a world growing much darker.
“There are real evils in this world, and it isn’t us.”