The latest “virus emergency” has demonstrated why having quarantine hotels right in the middle of Australia’s biggest cities is a problem we “have to fix,” according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“I’ve got to ask, why have we got our quarantine hotels right in the middle of our biggest cities?” Mr Bolt said.
“Last year the virus got out of two Melbourne quarantine hotels and shut down the city – five million people – for months.
“Last month the virus got out of a Brisbane quarantine hotel – again right in the middle of a city – and shut down that city for three days.
“And last week the virus got out of a Perth quarantine hotel, and you guessed it, right in the middle of that city. Five day lockdown, two million people affected.”
Mr Bolt spoke of the recent case which escaped a quarantine hotel in Melbourne.
“Well, not the city shut down this time. At least it seems our politicians are finally thinking that enough may be enough,” he said.
“This outbreak would have been infinitely easier to deal with if the quarantine hotels weren’t in our cities.
“We have to fix this.”