OnePlus Nord price in India starts at Rs. 24,999 for the 6GB RAM, 64GB storage variant, which is going on sale in September. The 8GB RAM/128GB storage variant of the OnePlus Nord costs Rs. 27,999, and the 12GB RAM/256GB storage variant costs Rs. 29,999. In this video we answer all of your questions around the OnePlus Nord. You’ve been sending us multiple questions on social media and we’ve done our best to answer each of your questions.
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Notification LED
1:09 Is it an upgrade to OnePlus 6?
1:26 Security updates promised?
1:42 HDR 10 support
2:02 Does it have IP rating?
2:11 Build: Plastic, metal or glass?
2:25 Does it have stereo speakers?
2:36 Is storage expandable?
2:56 Is there a 3.5mm audio jack?
3:14 Nord vs Realme X3 SuperZoom
OnePlus Nord specs:
OnePlus Nord price in India:
OnePlus Nord First Impressions:
OnePlus Nord Launch Impressions:
Anchor: Pranay Parab (
Video Editor: Yousuf Jawed (
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