Kathleen Kennedy makes Star Wars feminist? Beyond The Trailer’s reaction to her Jyn Erso & male fans comment, plus female directors.
Kathleen Kennedy, Star Wars feminist? Today Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph gives her reaction to Kathleen Kennedy’s recent comments about male fans and female directors, plus a breakdown of women in Star Wars – both lead white brunettes like Rey and Jyn Erso, as well as the search for a female director. Share your own reaction to Kathleen Kennedy as a Star Wars feminist and how it makes you feel about each full movie she produces, from The Force Awakens to Rogue One to Star Wars Episode 8! And be sure to make Beyond The Trailer your first stop for movie and entertainment news here on YouTube today!
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Intro – 00:00
Female Leads Rey & Jyn Erso – 1:09
Female Directors & Writers – 2:24
Top Female Executive – 3:00
“I owe nothing to male fans” – 5:05
Feminist Takeover? – 7:18
“Inexperienced” Female Directos – 9:13
Kevin Feige or Female Kevin Feige? – 11:18
Conclusion – 11:39
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