Sky News host Chris Kenny says it is a pity there is “no vaccine for paranoia” as a single case of COVID-19 leaves Western Australians in an unjustified lockdown.
“It’s nuts of course, you couldn’t make up this sort of nonsense, if they tried this in an episode of Utopia or Yes, Minister, it would ruin the series because it’s just too implausible,” Mr Kenny said.
He pointed out one of the real-life examples of how the WA lockdown is impacting Australians, where a groom’s family in NSW could be forced to miss the wedding (on Friday) because they flew in from WA after the lockdown was declared and are now required to quarantine until after the wedding.
“They are sitting in their hotel, ten minutes away from the wedding venue, but unless sanity prevails, they’ll miss it, and this is despite testing negative for COVID-19,” Mr Kenny said.
“This is cruel heartless, unjustified.
“We have deliberately turned ourselves from the lucky country and the clever country into the stupid country.”
Mr Kenny noted Western Australia had recorded another day with zero new coronavirus infections.
“What a threshold, one infection, lock the state down … it is a joke, a sick joke and a sad joke,” he said.
“What a pity there is no vaccine for paranoia.”