Sky News contributor Daisy Cousens says she is against the implementation of a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine for all industries, unless the certain industry is really “high risk” such as the aged-care sector.
The federal government is planning for a wider roll out of a COVID-19 vaccine for every Australian who wants it in October 2021.
It is expected frontline workers at the coalface of COVID-19 as well as the elderly will be able to receive a COVID-19 jab by March, but the government plans to roll it out for the rest of the nation in October.
Ms Cousens said it does “perfectly stand to reason” to make a possible vaccine mandatory in the aged-care sector.
“I think even if you didn’t make it mandatory in the aged-care sector, employees would do it anyway”.
“As for other sectors, no”.
Ms Cousens said she finds the suggestion of a mandatory vaccine a “total infringement on people’s freedoms”.