What are going to be the inventions of the future? Underwater cities? Giant robots where you get to sit inside and control what it does?! Learn all about futuristic inventions that are in development!
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Here are the newest inventions coming soon!
9 – Human Head Transplants
Scientists have said that in the near future, they plan on cutting off the head of one body to transplant to another. Let’s just let that sink in for a second……
The doctor crazy enough to attempt such a surgery would be Italian Neuroscientist, Sergio Canavero, and his sidekick Chinese doctor, Xiaoping Ren. As irresponsible as this all sounds, they actually have a volunteer patient who will allow his head to be cut off and placed on another body!
Now, as you can imagine, this person, Valery Spiridonov, is suffering from an awful and potentially deadly condition known as Werdnig-Hoffman Disease. This disorder, which is both rare and genetic, kills all the useful muscle tissue and cells in the brain and spinal cord. Right now he’s confined to a wheelchair, unable to do pretty much anything for himself, but if something doesn’t happen soon, he could die.
To their credit, the doctors have already successfully experimented on mice. Now they just need a donor They’ll also need 80 surgeons, some really advanced equipment and tens of millions of dollars. After severing both heads, they’ll be able to fuse Spiridonov’s head to the dead body’s spinal cord. They predict that they have a 90 percent chance of succeeding should they go through with it. If it’s a success, it will be one of the biggest advances in medical history ever. That and definitely the weirdest.
8 – Underwater Cities and Resorts
We’ve conquered the land. We’ve explored the sky. We’ve walked on the moon, orbited the earth, and even have plans to visit Mars. So human ambition has few limits, which is why one day we may have underwater resorts and cities, because we’re definitely gonna try. In a way it’s already started to happen.
If you have some extra dough to spend, you can stay at luxury underwater hotels, such as Atlantis, The palm in Dubai, or Pemba Island in Tanzania, just to name two. Plus they already have made a few underwater research facilities. So making buildings underwater is totally a real thing that can be, and has been done. All that’s left is for us is to colonize the ocean. Easier said than done though, I’m sure.
Japan supposedly has plans for an underwater city by 2030. Backed by private investors and government subsidies, the city, assuming it’s actually built, will feature a giant sphere that’s about 500 meters wide, or three tenths of a mile. It’ll have space for office buildings, apartments, and hotels that can accommodate around 5,000 people.
The push for underwater cities is in part, a reaction to climate change fears. Which makes sense, because the science is clear that the planet is warming and sea levels are rising. And while we can already build underwater environments to accommodate maybe 100 or so people for brief periods of time, the idea of building entire cities to host thousands of people for long periods of time, or even permanently, seems a bit daunting. But hey, catch up with us in 2030, and let’s see what Japan has come up with!