Hilarious water experiments and ideas that will make you laugh
If you’re looking for new ways to help you pass the time, then you’ll love this because I show you some fun water and science tricks you’ll love trying. Watch until the end to see some hilarious pranks too.
Put a grape in the freezer and then place it in cold water – you’ll see that ice-will begin to form all around it and it’ll expand in the water.
You can fill a glass with water, cover its surface with cinnamon, and then dip your fingers in. You’ll see that the cinnamon won’t sink.
If you add some water-based paint on a piece of paper and dip it In water, the paint will begin to expand right up.
You can grow your own ice by pouring water on top of smaller ice. The only thing you gotta do is freeze it to -18 degrees.
I also show you how the accumulation of water happens using a few toothpicks.
0:47- Unsinkable cinnamon
3:09 – Growing ice experiment
5:19 – Marker vs water
8:01 – Breaking balloon hack
8:53 – Putting ice on fire
13:41 – Washing up liquid vs dirt
16:32 – Water string hack
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The following video might feature activity performed by our actors within controlled environment- please use judgment, care, and precaution if you plan to replicate.
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